HSG65 The H&S Management System

There are many different systems based on different standards, some covering health and safety, quality and or the environment. They are in the main based around Plan, Do, Check and Act.

In 2013 the HSE moved away from using the POPMAR (Policy, Organising, Planning, Measuring performance, Auditing and Review) model of managing health and safety to a ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’ approach. The move towards Plan, Do, Check, Act achieves a balance between the systems and behavioural aspects of management. It also treats health and safety management as an integral part of good management generally, rather than as a stand-alone system.

The high-level descriptions may vary, depending on the industry or sector you are working in. The HSE guidance note HSG65 supports the requirement for an H&S policy with guidance on how H&S can be organised and arrangements effectively maintained. This is very much about ensuring safety is managed and systems are actually followed, monitored and reviewed.

“Plan” Includes Developing A Policy And Planning For Safety

  • Think about where you are now and where you need to be.
  • Say what you want to achieve, who will be responsible for what, how you will achieve your aims, and how you will measure your success. You may need to write down this policy and your plan to deliver it.
  • Decide how you will measure performance. Think about ways to do this that go beyond looking at accident figures; look for leading indicators as well as lagging indicators. These are also called active and reactive indicators.
  • Consider fire and other emergencies. Co-operate with anyone who shares your workplace and coordinate plans with them.
  • Remember to plan for changes and identify any specific legal requirements that apply to you.

Planning includes the provision of a H&S policy. Typically, the initial phase of developing an Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) management system involves the establishment of a corporate policy towards occupational health & safety. This will involve setting clear aims and objectives and establishing the company’s approach to health and safety issues although with the principles needed.

The OSH policy should be specific to the organisation, and to both its size and the nature of its activities. Ideally the policy will be aligned with human resource policies which identify people as the key resource within an organisation. Some features of a good OSH policy are described below:

The policy should show that leadership in OSH will come from the very top of the organisation. Further to this, it should make it clear that management of the health & safety aspects of their function is an integral part of every manager’s role.

The policy should show that the company is not merely concerned with meeting the requirements of legislation, but that a standard of performance will be set which is aimed at securing the health and well-being of all employees.

To learn more about health and safety, or to book yourself onto a course, contact our team at Cambridge Safety for more information.

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