
Directions to CSP


Cambridge Safety Limited Liability Partnership
Unit 10
Swan Court
Forder Way
Cygnet Park
Pe7 8gx

Company No. OC301862

Unit 10 is the end building facing you on the far side – parking is limited so in the event of a lack of spare spaces please park in Forder Way or Cygnet Road.

From the A1 (North or South)

Leave the A1(A1M) at junction 17 and follow signs for the A1139 towards Peterborough. At Junction 3 (signed Cygnet Park, Hampton and Yaxley) go up the slip road and turn right at the lights onto the A1260.

Go over the next roundabout (Tesco Petrol Station on right). Take next left into Cygnet Road (Frankie & Benny’s on the corner) Go Past the Deafblind UK National Centre (on the left)

Turn left into Forder Way, drive down the slope to the end, turn left again and take an immediate right into Swan Court.

Coming from the West

Follow the A605 to the junction with the A1(A1M) and follow the directions above.

From the East (South East)

Follow the A14 onto the A1M heading North and follow the directions above.

The A1139 is also accessible from the A47 at Eye and the A15 at Parnwell – At junction 3 of the A1139, turn left at the traffic lights and follow the instructions from “go over the next roundabout” above.

By Public Transport

Peterborough Main line station is situated in the city centre we are a 5-10 minute cab ride away or from outside the station you can catch the “Citi6” bus which runs every 20 mins and more frequently in the rush hour.

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