Frequently Asked Questions

General Certificate FAQs




How will my certificates be sent out to me?

For certificate level qualifications they will be sent out in hardback envelopes from us at Cambridge Safety by the Royal Mail Signed For service.

I have moved house since I registered with Nebosh for an exam, what do I need to do?

Contact us as soon as possible with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface.

The name on my exam slip or exam results notification is mis-spelt, what do I need to do?

Contact us immediately with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface. We will need a copy of your photo ID to send to Nebosh to make the amendments. Please let us know as soon as possible as if your course certificate is incorrect, you will be charged a fee by Nebosh for a replacement.

What if I need to re-sit an exam or assessment?

It is always disappointing if you are referred in an examination but in some cases people’s nerves do get the better of them. However, do not let the disappointment stop you from completing the qualification and trying again. The best way ahead is to be positive and try to identify any areas of weakness either in your knowledge of the syllabus, your time management or examination technique. 

If you are unfortunate enough to be referred in one of your assessments, we have a number of options to support you. This includes booking a tutor feedback session to discuss your previous exam/practical, revision packages, and advice on examination technique.

How long does it take to get my exam results?

Approximately 50 working days, the exact date the results are released is provided on your exam entry slip, called an “ARC” – assessment registration confirmation. We at Cambridge Safety do not get your results any earlier, we are also not allowed to divulge any results by the telephone. Nebosh equally do not give results over the phone.  You will receive your results by email, so please ensure we have an up-to-date email address for you to avoid a delay in receiving your results and ensure the Nebosh email address is marked as “safe” with your email account so it doesn’t get rejected as results are sent out in bulk.  If you have not received your results by the due date, please contact us for assistance.

What do I do if I feel disadvantaged in anyway e.g., English as a second language? disability, or illness on day of exam?

To ensure all candidates are treated fairly Nebosh have two specific procedures which can be applied. Reasonable Adjustments = are agreed in advance i.e., before the assessment takes place. They apply to cases of physical or mental impairment which has a substantial effect on a learners’ ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Special Consideration = an adjustment to a learners’ mark or grade to reflect temporary illness, injury or other indisposition at the time of the assessment.

Reasonable adjustments

Reasonable adjustments mainly apply to invigilated examinations sat at a training centre e.g., Cambridge Safety, and not for Open Book Examinations as the OBE allows for delegates to make the necessary changes themselves and additional time is not applicable for OBEs, however if you have any concerns regarding taking an Open Book Exam, please contact us.

Special Consideration

This can be applied for candidates who are present for the assessment but may have been disadvantaged by temporary illness, bereavement, injury or adverse circumstances that arose at or near the time of assessment. Any request for Special Consideration must be made via Cambridge Safety and not directly to Nebosh. 

For Open Book Exams please email Cambridge Safety at the earliest opportunity.  Details provided will be noted and forwarded to Nebosh, in the case of illness medical evidence may be needed by the Nebosh board.

The above procedures are there to ensure that all those taking Nebosh qualifications can do so in an environment which is fair for all, regardless of where the examination or assessment is taken. If you need further details, please contact Cambridge Safety.

Further details can be found via

How often are Nebosh General Certificate exams held?

The exam date is included in your classroom course dates, if you are not available for that date we can register you for another exam date, we hold them every 2 months.

What if I do not submit my practical assessment on time?

There is a strict deadline for course providers to submit the assessments to Nebosh, if assessments are submitted late, they may miss the deadline. However, candidates may re-register with Nebosh for the next assessment date and then submit their practical then. Contact us for the appropriate registration form, please note that additional Nebosh fees will apply.

Someone else at work has already completed their risk assessment can I go around the workplace with them?

No. The practical risk assessment forms part of your formal course assessment and qualification and as such needs to be completed by you unaided. When you submit your completed NG2 you are declaring this is all your own work.

Can I use my company form to complete the NG2 risk assessment?

No, the risk assessment must be completed using the Nebosh forms which we provide. This is to ensure anyone taking the assessment is marked to the same standard. Guidance on the completion of the practical will be provided along with all the forms you need; we also have YouTube videos which assist you in completing your assessment.

Where do I carry out my risk assessment or work based practical assessment?

Nebosh qualifications require the completion of a workplace-based task. Ideally this should be completed in your own place of work however it can be completed elsewhere if you have access to a suitable workplace. Contact us if you need assistance on the selection of a suitable venue.

When will I receive my risk assessment pack?

During the course you will have a briefing on completing the NG2 and within 3 days of this briefing we will email you all the necessary documents you will need for your NG2 risk assessment, including confirmation for the final submission date.

Construction Certificate FAQs

How often are Nebosh Construction Certificate exams held?

The exam date is included in your classroom course dates, if you are not available for that date we can register you for another exam date, we hold them every 3 months.

Is any pre-reading required before I start the course?

No – the course is designed to be delivered to delegates who have minimal Construction knowledge, and in fact sometimes pre-reading can actually confuse our delegates.

Do I need to have completed any other courses before starting the Nebosh Construction Certificate?

No, all of the certificate courses are designed to give you the knowledge you need to pass the exams. All handouts and course materials are provided so no additional books or publications need to be purchased. Podcasts, extensive library of YouTube videos and online resources are available to all students regardless of your study method.

I have seen CN1 mentioned – what does this abbreviation mean?

Nebosh are one of the leading examination bodies for health and safety worldwide, they set examinations for a number of health and safety and environmental qualifications. As well as their full names each part of each qualification also has an abbreviation which is used to identify the exams or assessment being taken. 

The Nebosh Construction Certificate syllabus has one assessment:

CN1 – An open book exam (OBE) accessed online at your home, the exam takes approximately 10 -14 hours and you will have 48 hours access to the exam.

How will my certificates be sent out to me?

For certificate level qualifications they will be sent out in hardback envelopes from us at Cambridge Safety by the Royal Mail Signed For service.

I have moved house since I registered with Nebosh for an exam, what do I need to do?

Contact us as soon as possible with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface.

The name on my exam slip or exam results notification is mis-spelt, what do I need to do?

Contact us immediately with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface. We will need a copy of your photo ID to send to Nebosh to make the amendments. Please let us know as soon as possible as if your course certificate is incorrect, you will be charged a fee by Nebosh for a replacement.

I have passed my exams but not received my certificates yet.

Usually, certificates are sent out within 20 working days of your exam result being declared. They are sent to us here at Cambridge Safety and we send them on to you by the Royal Mail Signed For service.  If you haven’t received your certificate after 30 working days from your results being declared please contact us.

What if I need to re-sit an exam or assessment?

It is always disappointing if you are referred in an examination but in some cases people’s nerves do get the better of them. However, do not let the disappointment stop you from completing the qualification and trying again. The best way ahead is to be positive and try to identify any areas of weakness either in your knowledge of the syllabus, your time management or examination technique. 

If you are unfortunate enough to be referred in one of your assessments, we have a number of options to support you. This includes booking a tutor feedback session to discuss your previous exam/practical, revision packages, and advice on examination technique.

How long does it take to get my exam results?

Approximately 50 working days, the exact date the results are released is provided on your exam entry slip, called an “ARC” – assessment registration confirmation. We at Cambridge Safety do not get your results any earlier, we are also not allowed to divulge any results by the telephone. Nebosh equally do not give results over the phone.  You will receive your results by email, so please ensure we have an up-to-date email address for you to avoid a delay in receiving your results and ensure the Nebosh email address is marked as “safe” with your email account so it doesn’t get rejected as results are sent out in bulk.  If you have not received your results by the due date, please contact us for assistance.

What do I do if I feel disadvantaged in anyway e.g., English as a second language? disability, or illness on day of exam?

To ensure all candidates are treated fairly Nebosh have two specific procedures which can be applied. Reasonable Adjustments = are agreed in advance i.e., before the assessment takes place. They apply to cases of physical or mental impairment which has a substantial effect on a learners’ ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Special Consideration = an adjustment to a learners’ mark or grade to reflect temporary illness, injury or other indisposition at the time of the assessment.

Reasonable adjustments

Reasonable adjustments mainly apply to invigilated examinations sat at a training centre e.g., Cambridge Safety, and not for Open Book Examinations as the OBE allows for delegates to make the necessary changes themselves and additional time is not applicable for OBEs, however if you have any concerns regarding taking an Open Book Exam, please contact us.

Special Consideration

This can be applied for candidates who are present for the assessment but may have been disadvantaged by temporary illness, bereavement, injury or adverse circumstances that arose at or near the time of assessment. Any request for Special Consideration must be made via Cambridge Safety and not directly to Nebosh. 

For Open Book Exams please email Cambridge Safety at the earliest opportunity.  Details provided will be noted and forwarded to Nebosh, in the case of illness medical evidence may be needed by the Nebosh board.

The above procedures are there to ensure that all those taking Nebosh qualifications can do so in an environment which is fair for all, regardless of where the examination or assessment is taken. If you need further details, please contact Cambridge Safety.

Further details can be found via

What happens if I cannot attend one of the classroom days?

Don’t worry, whilst it is ideal for delegates to attend all tutorial days, the comprehensive handouts we provide cover all of the syllabus so you can catch up on any work missed during your private study, we also have a wide variety of you tube videos and podcasts to help you with any tutorials missed.  Your tutor will email you any additional handouts and homework tasks that have been provided on the day.

If you are not available on the Open Book Exam date, please let us know prior to the course starting as we can discuss booking your exam for a future date, they are normally every 2 months.

Fire Certificate Classroom FAQs

How often are Nebosh Fire Certificate exams held?

The exam date is included in your classroom course dates, if you are not available for that date we can register you for another exam date, we hold them every 3 months.

Someone else at work has already completed their fire risk assessment can I go around the workplace with them?

No. The practical risk assessment forms part of your formal course assessment and qualification and as such needs to be completed by you unaided. When you submit your completed FSC2 you are declaring this is all your own work.

Can I use my company form to complete the FSC2 risk assessment?

No, the fire risk assessment must be completed using the Nebosh forms which we provide. This is to ensure anyone taking the assessment is marked to the same standard. Guidance on the completion of the practical will be provided along with all the forms you need; we also have YouTube videos which assist you in completing your assessment.

Where do I carry out my FSC2 risk assessment?

Nebosh qualifications require the completion of a workplace-based task. Ideally this should be completed in your own place of work however it can be completed elsewhere if you have access to a suitable workplace. Contact us if you need assistance on the selection of a suitable venue.

When will I receive my FSC2 Fire Risk Assessment pack?

During the course you will have a briefing on completing the FSC2 and within 3 days of this briefing we will email you all the necessary documents you will need for your FSC2 fire risk assessment, including confirmation for the final submission date.

Do I need to have completed any other courses before starting the Nebosh Fire Certificate?

No, all of the certificate courses are designed to give you the knowledge you need to pass the exams. All handouts and course materials are provided so no additional books or publications need to be purchased. Podcasts, extensive library of YouTube videos and online resources are available to all students regardless of your study method.

I have seen FSC1 and FSC2 mentioned – what do these abbreviations mean?

Nebosh are one of the leading examination bodies for health and safety worldwide, they set examinations for a number of health and safety and environmental qualifications. As well as their full names each part of each qualification also has an abbreviation which is used to identify the exams or assessment being taken. 

For The Nebosh Fire Certificate syllabus there are two assessments:

FSC1 – An open book exam (OBE) accessed online at your home, the exam takes approximately 5 – 7 hours and you will have 24 hours access to the exam.

FSC2 –a work-based fire risk assessment – full guidance and template documents are provided and your completed risk assessment is submitted to us by the FSC1 Open Book Exam date (unless otherwise specified by your tutor)

How will my certificates be sent out to me?

For certificate level qualifications they will be sent out in hardback envelopes from us at Cambridge Safety by the Royal Mail Signed For service.

I have moved house since I registered with Nebosh for an exam, what do I need to do?

Contact us as soon as possible with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface.

The name on my exam slip or exam results notification is mis-spelt, what do I need to do?

Contact us immediately with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface. We will need a copy of your photo ID to send to Nebosh to make the amendments. Please let us know as soon as possible as if your course certificate is incorrect, you will be charged a fee by Nebosh for a replacement.

I have passed my exams but not received my certificates yet.

Usually, certificates are sent out within 20 working days of your exam result being declared. They are sent to us here at Cambridge Safety and we send them on to you by the Royal Mail Signed For service.  If you haven’t received your certificate after 30 working days from your results being declared please contact us.

What if I need to re-sit an exam or assessment?

It is always disappointing if you are referred in an examination but in some cases people’s nerves do get the better of them. However, do not let the disappointment stop you from completing the qualification and trying again. The best way ahead is to be positive and try to identify any areas of weakness either in your knowledge of the syllabus, your time management or examination technique. 

If you are unfortunate enough to be referred in one of your assessments, we have a number of options to support you. This includes booking a tutor feedback session to discuss your previous exam/practical, revision packages, and advice on examination technique.

Environment Certificate Classroom FAQs

Someone else at work has already completed their assessment can I go around the workplace with them?

No. The practical aspect and impact assessment forms part of your formal course assessment and qualification and as such needs to be completed by you unaided. When you submit your completed EMC2 you are declaring this is all your own work.

How often are Nebosh Environmental Management Certificate exams held?

The exam date is included in your classroom course dates, if you are not available for that date we can register you for another exam date, we hold them every 3 months.

I have seen EMC1 and EMC2 mentioned – what do these abbreviations mean?

Nebosh are one of the leading examination bodies for health and safety worldwide, they set examinations for a number of health and safety and environmental qualifications. As well as their full names each part of each qualification also has an abbreviation which is used to identify the exams or assessment being taken. 

For The Nebosh Environmental Management Certificate syllabus there are two assessments:

EMC1 – An open book exam (OBE) accessed online at your home, the exam takes approximately 5 – 7 hours and you will have 24 hours access to the exam. EMC2 – a work-based aspect and impact assessment – full guidance and template documents are provided and your completed risk assessment is submitted to us by the EMC1 Open Book Exam date (unless otherwise specified by your tutor).

Can I use my company form to complete the EMC2 assessment?

No, the risk assessment must be completed using the Nebosh forms which we provide. This is to ensure anyone taking the assessment is marked to the same standard. Guidance on the completion of the practical will be provided along with all the forms you need; we also have YouTube videos which assist you in completing your assessment.

Where do I carry out my EMC2 assessment?

Nebosh qualifications require the completion of a workplace-based task. Ideally this should be completed in your own place of work however it can be completed elsewhere if you have access to a suitable workplace. Contact us if you need assistance on the selection of a suitable venue.

When will I receive my EMC2 aspect and impact assessment pack?

During the course you will have a briefing on completing the EMC2 and within 3 days of this briefing we will email you all the necessary documents you will need for your EMC2 assessment, including confirmation for the final submission date.

Do I need to have completed any other courses before starting the Nebosh Environmental Management Certificate?

No, all of the certificate courses are designed to give you the knowledge you need to pass the exams. All handouts and course materials are provided so no additional books or publications need to be purchased. Podcasts, extensive library of YouTube videos and online resources are available to all students regardless of your study method.

How will my certificates be sent out to me?

For certificate level qualifications they will be sent out in hardback envelopes from us at Cambridge Safety by the Royal Mail Signed For service.

I have moved house since I registered with Nebosh for an exam, what do I need to do?

Contact us as soon as possible with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface.

The name on my exam slip or exam results notification is mis-spelt, what do I need to do?

Contact us immediately with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface. We will need a copy of your photo ID to send to Nebosh to make the amendments. Please let us know as soon as possible as if your course certificate is incorrect, you will be charged a fee by Nebosh for a replacement.

I have passed my exams but not received my certificates yet.

Usually, certificates are sent out within 20 working days of your exam result being declared. They are sent to us here at Cambridge Safety and we send them on to you by the Royal Mail Signed For service.  If you haven’t received your certificate after 30 working days from your results being declared please contact us.

What if I need to re-sit an exam or assessment?

It is always disappointing if you are referred in an examination but in some cases people’s nerves do get the better of them. However, do not let the disappointment stop you from completing the qualification and trying again. The best way ahead is to be positive and try to identify any areas of weakness either in your knowledge of the syllabus, your time management or examination technique. 

If you are unfortunate enough to be referred in one of your assessments, we have a number of options to support you. This includes booking a tutor feedback session to discuss your previous exam/practical, revision packages, and advice on examination technique.

Certificate OBE Exam FAQs

How long have I got to complete my certificate level qualification?

You will have five years to complete all the units of your chosen qualification.

What happens after I have completed the open book exam?

All open book exams also include a short closing interview, conducted via Zoom. This is arranged by us at Cambridge Safety within two weeks of your exam date. This is nothing to be concerned about but is the final stage of the exam process to ensure that what you have submitted is your own work.

What happens during the exam period?

From the time that your exam becomes accessible and the submission deadline you must not communicate with us, at Cambridge Safety, communicate with any other learners that you know or discuss with any third party on any topics of the assessment.  You must not put any information on any social media platform about the exam or assessment.  Nebosh have a strict malpractice policy, they use plagiarism software to spot malpractice, including similarities between cohorts, and they monitor social media for any discussions around the exam / questions / how to answer them.

Can I look at my course notes and other information when I complete the exam?

Yes, you can look at your notes and any other information source when you complete your exam but directly copying or pasting from web sites is not permitted. Everything you write in your exam must be your own words, or words from the case study.  However, if you use any information from another source, you will be able to list the source at the end of your answers, there will be a box for this. You do not have to give full references just list the source name e.g., HSG65, CSP Course notes, HM Fire Guide on Factories.  Reproducing what is in your course notes word for word will not answer the questions. By submitting your answers, you are agreeing that what you submit is your own work.  If you copy and plagiarise this will be deemed malpractice and you could have your results voided.

What’s different about answering an open book exam compared to a traditional exam?

For open book exams you can use resources and look at your course notes, you carry out the assessment online at home (or at work if you can be undisturbed), you are given a case study and then questions to answer in reference to the case study.  Just because this is an open book exam this does not mean you do not need to study the course material. You will still need to have a good knowledge from the range of topics from the syllabus. For a majority of questions, you will need to use the information in the case study to answer the questions. Some questions will direct you to use only the information provided in the case study.

Can I lose marks if I put an answer down which is incorrect?

No, for Nebosh exams of this type there is no negative marking, you will get marks for items which you write down which are correct but if you write down an item which is not correct you do not lose any marks. You can only gain marks not lose them. If you believe an answer or fact may be right then ensure you include it in your answer.

How many marks are there for each question?

Your exam will have a number of tasks, some of these may be sub-divided into a number of different questions. At the end of each question, it will tell you how many marks are allocated for each question, usually the maximum number of marks available will be 25 but it may be as little as 2.

As a rule of thumb, when you answer each question check the point allocation first, for a question allocated 20 marks, you will need to aim for at least 20 different issues. If a question worth just five marks aim for at least 5 issues etc.  1 mark can be awarded for each piece of technical information provided.

What email address should I give to Nebosh when I register for my qualification assessments?

In order to submit your open book exam, you will need an email address where your log in details will be sent. This is the same email address that your results will be sent to. Ensure this is an address where your email will get through and will not be spammed.

When do I get my results?

Your results will be sent out by email directly from Nebosh, these will be within 50 working days of exam you have taken.

How many marks is the exam out of? What is the pass mark?

Normally certificate exams are marked out of 100, the pass mark is normally 45. A score of 65-74 achieves a credit and a score of over 75 will achieve a distinction. Your overall grade is only provided when you have passed all parts of your chosen qualification.

What format do I save and submit my completed answers in?

Once you finish your exam you must only upload your paper as a PDF.   From August 2023 non-PDF uploads may not be accepted by Nebosh and will not be marked.  There will be guidance when you download your exam on how to name your file before you upload.

What form do I do the answers in?

When you log in you will be able to download the case study and questions as well as an answer template. This is a word file and enables you to add your answer in for each task. It expands as you write.

Certificate Distance Learner FAQs

How will my certificates be sent out to me?

For certificate level qualifications they will be sent out in hardback envelopes from us at Cambridge Safety by the Royal Mail Signed For service.

I have moved house since I registered with Nebosh for an exam, what do I need to do?

Contact us as soon as possible with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface.

The name on my exam slip or exam results notification is mis-spelt, what do I need to do?

Contact us immediately with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface. We will need a copy of your photo ID to send to Nebosh to make the amendments. Please let us know as soon as possible as if your course certificate is incorrect, you will be charged a fee by Nebosh for a replacement.

I have passed my exams but not received my certificates yet.

Usually, certificates are sent out within 20 working days of your exam result being declared. They are sent to us here at Cambridge Safety and we send them on to you by the Royal Mail Signed For service.  If you haven’t received your certificate after 30 working days from your results being declared please contact us.

What if I need to re-sit an exam or assessment?

It is always disappointing if you are referred in an examination but in some cases people’s nerves do get the better of them. However, do not let the disappointment stop you from completing the qualification and trying again. The best way ahead is to be positive and try to identify any areas of weakness either in your knowledge of the syllabus, your time management or examination technique. 

If you are unfortunate enough to be referred in one of your assessments, we have a number of options to support you. This includes booking a tutor feedback session to discuss your previous exam/practical, revision packages, and advice on examination technique.

How long does it take to get my exam results?

Approximately 50 working days, the exact date the results are released is provided on your exam entry slip, called an “ARC” – assessment registration confirmation. We at Cambridge Safety do not get your results any earlier, we are also not allowed to divulge any results by the telephone. Nebosh equally do not give results over the phone.  You will receive your results by email, so please ensure we have an up-to-date email address for you to avoid a delay in receiving your results and ensure the Nebosh email address is marked as “safe” with your email account so it doesn’t get rejected as results are sent out in bulk.  If you have not received your results by the due date, please contact us for assistance.

What do I do if I feel disadvantaged in anyway e.g., English as a second language? disability, or illness on day of exam?

To ensure all candidates are treated fairly Nebosh have two specific procedures which can be applied. Reasonable Adjustments = are agreed in advance i.e., before the assessment takes place. They apply to cases of physical or mental impairment which has a substantial effect on a learners’ ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Special Consideration = an adjustment to a learners’ mark or grade to reflect temporary illness, injury or other indisposition at the time of the assessment.

Reasonable adjustments

Reasonable adjustments mainly apply to invigilated examinations sat at a training centre e.g., Cambridge Safety, and not for Open Book Examinations as the OBE allows for delegates to make the necessary changes themselves and additional time is not applicable for OBEs, however if you have any concerns regarding taking an Open Book Exam, please contact us.

Special Consideration

This can be applied for candidates who are present for the assessment but may have been disadvantaged by temporary illness, bereavement, injury or adverse circumstances that arose at or near the time of assessment. Any request for Special Consideration must be made via Cambridge Safety and not directly to Nebosh. 

For Open Book Exams please email Cambridge Safety at the earliest opportunity.  Details provided will be noted and forwarded to Nebosh, in the case of illness medical evidence may be needed by the Nebosh board.

The above procedures are there to ensure that all those taking Nebosh qualifications can do so in an environment which is fair for all, regardless of where the examination or assessment is taken. If you need further details, please contact Cambridge Safety.

Further details can be found via

What if I do not submit my practical assessment on time?

There is a strict deadline for course providers to submit the assessments to Nebosh, if assessments are submitted late, they may miss the deadline. However, candidates may re-register with Nebosh for the next assessment date and then submit their practical then. Contact us for the appropriate registration form, please note that additional Nebosh fees will apply.

Where do I carry out my risk assessment or work based practical assessment?

Nebosh qualifications require the completion of a workplace-based task. Ideally this should be completed in your own place of work however it can be completed elsewhere if you have access to a suitable workplace. Contact us if you need assistance on the selection of a suitable venue.

When is the invoice due?

Our payment terms are 30 days upon issue of invoice– this applies to all classroom courses even if you are booking in advance.  If you can foresee any problems with the invoice being paid within this time frame, please contact us prior to making your booking and we will do our best to accommodate you. Payment is required to secure your place.

I have completed my course booking form but haven’t received anything back

Upon receipt of your booking form, we will email you the invoice and a joining summary sheet, this is normally within 7 days, if you haven’t received this after 10 working days, please email us or telephone 01733 865695.

Approximately 2 weeks prior to your course starting we shall email you your welcome pack – this will include information about Cambridge Safety, your lunch order request form and exam registration form which will need to be completed and returned to us along with photo id (e.g., driving licence/passport)

Do I need to purchase any study materials or books?

No – we provide a comprehensive set of hard copy handouts which covers the whole syllabus, plus you will have access to online resources, YouTube video presentations and podcasts during your course. (E-Learners may purchase hard copies of handouts.)

Certificate E-Learner FAQs

How will my certificates be sent out to me?

For certificate level qualifications they will be sent out in hardback envelopes from us at Cambridge Safety by the Royal Mail Signed For service.

I have moved house since I registered with Nebosh for an exam, what do I need to do?

Contact us as soon as possible with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface.

The name on my exam slip or exam results notification is mis-spelt, what do I need to do?

Contact us immediately with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface. We will need a copy of your photo ID to send to Nebosh to make the amendments. Please let us know as soon as possible as if your course certificate is incorrect, you will be charged a fee by Nebosh for a replacement.

I have passed my exams but not received my certificates yet.

Usually, certificates are sent out within 20 working days of your exam result being declared. They are sent to us here at Cambridge Safety and we send them on to you by the Royal Mail Signed For service.  If you haven’t received your certificate after 30 working days from your results being declared please contact us.

What if I need to re-sit an exam or assessment?

It is always disappointing if you are referred in an examination but in some cases people’s nerves do get the better of them. However, do not let the disappointment stop you from completing the qualification and trying again. The best way ahead is to be positive and try to identify any areas of weakness either in your knowledge of the syllabus, your time management or examination technique. 

If you are unfortunate enough to be referred in one of your assessments, we have a number of options to support you. This includes booking a tutor feedback session to discuss your previous exam/practical, revision packages, and advice on examination technique.

How long does it take to get my exam results?

Approximately 50 working days, the exact date the results are released is provided on your exam entry slip, called an “ARC” – assessment registration confirmation. We at Cambridge Safety do not get your results any earlier, we are also not allowed to divulge any results by the telephone. Nebosh equally do not give results over the phone.  You will receive your results by email, so please ensure we have an up-to-date email address for you to avoid a delay in receiving your results and ensure the Nebosh email address is marked as “safe” with your email account so it doesn’t get rejected as results are sent out in bulk.  If you have not received your results by the due date, please contact us for assistance.

What do I do if I feel disadvantaged in anyway e.g., English as a second language? disability, or illness on day of exam?

To ensure all candidates are treated fairly Nebosh have two specific procedures which can be applied. Reasonable Adjustments = are agreed in advance i.e., before the assessment takes place. They apply to cases of physical or mental impairment which has a substantial effect on a learners’ ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Special Consideration = an adjustment to a learners’ mark or grade to reflect temporary illness, injury or other indisposition at the time of the assessment.

Reasonable adjustments

Reasonable adjustments mainly apply to invigilated examinations sat at a training centre e.g., Cambridge Safety, and not for Open Book Examinations as the OBE allows for delegates to make the necessary changes themselves and additional time is not applicable for OBEs, however if you have any concerns regarding taking an Open Book Exam, please contact us.

Special Consideration

This can be applied for candidates who are present for the assessment but may have been disadvantaged by temporary illness, bereavement, injury or adverse circumstances that arose at or near the time of assessment. Any request for Special Consideration must be made via Cambridge Safety and not directly to Nebosh. 

For Open Book Exams please email Cambridge Safety at the earliest opportunity.  Details provided will be noted and forwarded to Nebosh, in the case of illness medical evidence may be needed by the Nebosh board.

The above procedures are there to ensure that all those taking Nebosh qualifications can do so in an environment which is fair for all, regardless of where the examination or assessment is taken. If you need further details, please contact Cambridge Safety.

Further details can be found via

What if I do not submit my practical assessment on time?

There is a strict deadline for course providers to submit the assessments to Nebosh, if assessments are submitted late, they may miss the deadline. However, candidates may re-register with Nebosh for the next assessment date and then submit their practical then. Contact us for the appropriate registration form, please note that additional Nebosh fees will apply.

Where do I carry out my risk assessment or work based practical assessment?

Nebosh qualifications require the completion of a workplace-based task. Ideally this should be completed in your own place of work however it can be completed elsewhere if you have access to a suitable workplace. Contact us if you need assistance on the selection of a suitable venue.

When is the invoice due?

Our payment terms are 30 days upon issue of invoice– this applies to all classroom courses even if you are booking in advance.  If you can foresee any problems with the invoice being paid within this time frame, please contact us prior to making your booking and we will do our best to accommodate you. Payment is required to secure your place.

Where are the Tutorials held?

They are held at our training centre in Hampton, Peterborough, we have a bespoke training centre with rest area facilities and resource room.  We have a limited number of car parking spaces on site and access to an additional car park less than 5 minutes’ walk away.

I have completed my course booking form but haven’t received anything back

Upon receipt of your booking form, we will email you the invoice and a joining summary sheet, this is normally within 7 days, if you haven’t received this after 10 working days, please email us or telephone 01733 865695.

Approximately 2 weeks prior to your course starting we shall email you your welcome pack – this will include information about Cambridge Safety, your lunch order request form and exam registration form which will need to be completed and returned to us along with photo id (e.g., driving licence/passport)

Diploma Classroom FAQs

How often are Nebosh H&S Diploma assessments held?

The assessment period is included in your classroom course dates and you will be advised of the exact start and submission dates and times once on the course.  Each unit is available every 6 months on rotation e.g. DN1 March, DN2 May, DN3 July etc

Do I need to purchase any study materials or books?

No – we provide a comprehensive set of hard copy handouts which covers the whole syllabus, plus you will have access to online resources, YouTube video presentations and podcasts during your course.  For the Diploma course you will be expected to carry out your own research but all material required should be available online at no additional cost.

Is any pre-reading required before I start the course?

Yes – we will email you a pre-reading pack prior to your first unit which includes a task to compete and return to us

Do I need to have completed any other courses before starting the Nebosh Diploma?

Yes, if you have not studied with Cambridge Safety previously you will be required to show evidence of your Level 3 Health and Safety qualification e.g., Nebosh General Certificate or equivalent. The Diploma is a level 6 course and requires delegates to have the underpinning formal knowledge of health and safety before commencing study.

I have a friend who studied the Diploma and they talk about units A, B and C and an assignment to complete?

Nebosh updated the syllabus in 2021, changing the unit names (Unit A = ND1 etc) and changing the end assessment style from invigilated closed book exams to open book case study/assignments accessed online.  As the ND1 is an assignment there was not a need for a fourth assignment unit so the final unit (DNI) has been removed from the new syllabus.  In 2023 there was a change to the assessment length which in turn changed the unit names from ND1 to DN1, ND2 to DN2, ND3 to DN3

I have seen DN1, DN2 and DN3 mentioned – what do these abbreviations mean?

Nebosh are one of the leading examination bodies for health and safety worldwide, they set examinations for a number of health and safety and environmental qualifications. As well as their full names each part of each qualification also has an abbreviation which is used to identify the exams or assessment being taken. 

For The Nebosh H&S Diploma syllabus:

DN1 – This unit covers the management of health and safety, there are 9 Learning Outcomes (LO), it is taught over 13 days (normally one day a week) and the end assessment is an assignment, accessed online at home, you will have 4 weeks to complete the assignment and this will take at least 40 hours to complete (some delegates take up to 80 hours).  

DN2 – This unit covers common workplace health issues/hazards, how to assess them, control them and legal issues surrounding this.  There is one Learning Outcome (LO 10), split into 15 elements, taught over 9 days, normally one day a week.  The end assessment is a case study, accessed online at home, you will have 2 weeks to complete the assessment & will take at least 20 hours to complete (some delegates take up to 40 hrs). 

DN3 – This unit covers common workplace safety issues/hazards, how to assess them, control them and legal issues surrounding this.  There is one Learning Outcome (LO 11), split into 12 elements, taught over 8 days, normally one day a week.  The end assessment is a case study, accessed online at home, you will have 2 weeks to complete the assessment and will take at least 20 hours to complete (some delegates take up to 40 hours).

How will my certificates be sent out to me?

For certificate level qualifications they will be sent out in hardback envelopes from us at Cambridge Safety by the Royal Mail Signed For service.

I have moved house since I registered with Nebosh for an exam, what do I need to do?

Contact us as soon as possible with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface.

The name on my exam slip or exam results notification is mis-spelt, what do I need to do?

Contact us immediately with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface. We will need a copy of your photo ID to send to Nebosh to make the amendments. Please let us know as soon as possible as if your course certificate is incorrect, you will be charged a fee by Nebosh for a replacement.

I have passed my exams but not received my certificates yet.

Usually, certificates are sent out within 20 working days of your exam result being declared. They are sent to us here at Cambridge Safety and we send them on to you by the Royal Mail Signed For service.  If you haven’t received your certificate after 30 working days from your results being declared please contact us.

What if I need to re-sit an exam or assessment?

It is always disappointing if you are referred in an examination but in some cases people’s nerves do get the better of them. However, do not let the disappointment stop you from completing the qualification and trying again. The best way ahead is to be positive and try to identify any areas of weakness either in your knowledge of the syllabus, your time management or examination technique. 

If you are unfortunate enough to be referred in one of your assessments, we have a number of options to support you. This includes booking a tutor feedback session to discuss your previous exam/practical, revision packages, and advice on examination technique.

How long does it take to get my exam results?

Approximately 50 working days, the exact date the results are released is provided on your exam entry slip, called an “ARC” – assessment registration confirmation. We at Cambridge Safety do not get your results any earlier, we are also not allowed to divulge any results by the telephone. Nebosh equally do not give results over the phone.  You will receive your results by email, so please ensure we have an up-to-date email address for you to avoid a delay in receiving your results and ensure the Nebosh email address is marked as “safe” with your email account so it doesn’t get rejected as results are sent out in bulk.  If you have not received your results by the due date, please contact us for assistance.

Diploma Distance Learner FAQs

How often are Nebosh H&S Diploma assessments held?

The assessment period is included in your classroom course dates and you will be advised of the exact start and submission dates and times once on the course.  Each unit is available every 6 months on rotation e.g. DN1 March, DN2 May, DN3 July etc

Do I need to purchase any study materials or books?

No – we provide a comprehensive set of hard copy handouts which covers the whole syllabus, plus you will have access to online resources, YouTube video presentations and podcasts during your course.  For the Diploma course you will be expected to carry out your own research but all material required should be available online at no additional cost.

Is any pre-reading required before I start the course?

Yes – we will email you a pre-reading pack prior to your first unit which includes a task to compete and return to us

Do I need to have completed any other courses before starting the Nebosh Diploma?

Yes, if you have not studied with Cambridge Safety previously you will be required to show evidence of your Level 3 Health and Safety qualification e.g., Nebosh General Certificate or equivalent. The Diploma is a level 6 course and requires delegates to have the underpinning formal knowledge of health and safety before commencing study.

I have a friend who studied the Diploma and they talk about units A, B and C and an assignment to complete?

Nebosh updated the syllabus in 2021, changing the unit names (Unit A = ND1 etc) and changing the end assessment style from invigilated closed book exams to open book case study/assignments accessed online.  As the ND1 is an assignment there was not a need for a fourth assignment unit so the final unit (DNI) has been removed from the new syllabus.  In 2023 there was a change to the assessment length which in turn changed the unit names from ND1 to DN1, ND2 to DN2, ND3 to DN3

I have seen DN1, DN2 and DN3 mentioned – what do these abbreviations mean?

Nebosh are one of the leading examination bodies for health and safety worldwide, they set examinations for a number of health and safety and environmental qualifications. As well as their full names each part of each qualification also has an abbreviation which is used to identify the exams or assessment being taken. 

For The Nebosh H&S Diploma syllabus:

DN1 – This unit covers the management of health and safety, there are 9 Learning Outcomes (LO), it is taught over 13 days (normally one day a week) and the end assessment is an assignment, accessed online at home, you will have 4 weeks to complete the assignment and this will take at least 40 hours to complete (some delegates take up to 80 hours).  

DN2 – This unit covers common workplace health issues/hazards, how to assess them, control them and legal issues surrounding this.  There is one Learning Outcome (LO 10), split into 15 elements, taught over 9 days, normally one day a week.  The end assessment is a case study, accessed online at home, you will have 2 weeks to complete the assessment & will take at least 20 hours to complete (some delegates take up to 40 hrs). 

DN3 – This unit covers common workplace safety issues/hazards, how to assess them, control them and legal issues surrounding this.  There is one Learning Outcome (LO 11), split into 12 elements, taught over 8 days, normally one day a week.  The end assessment is a case study, accessed online at home, you will have 2 weeks to complete the assessment and will take at least 20 hours to complete (some delegates take up to 40 hours).

How will my certificates be sent out to me?

For certificate level qualifications they will be sent out in hardback envelopes from us at Cambridge Safety by the Royal Mail Signed For service.

I have moved house since I registered with Nebosh for an exam, what do I need to do?

Contact us as soon as possible with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface.

The name on my exam slip or exam results notification is mis-spelt, what do I need to do?

Contact us immediately with the correct details and we will change them on the Nebosh course provider interface. We will need a copy of your photo ID to send to Nebosh to make the amendments. Please let us know as soon as possible as if your course certificate is incorrect, you will be charged a fee by Nebosh for a replacement.

I have passed my exams but not received my certificates yet.

Usually, certificates are sent out within 20 working days of your exam result being declared. They are sent to us here at Cambridge Safety and we send them on to you by the Royal Mail Signed For service.  If you haven’t received your certificate after 30 working days from your results being declared please contact us.

What if I need to re-sit an exam or assessment?

It is always disappointing if you are referred in an examination but in some cases people’s nerves do get the better of them. However, do not let the disappointment stop you from completing the qualification and trying again. The best way ahead is to be positive and try to identify any areas of weakness either in your knowledge of the syllabus, your time management or examination technique. 

If you are unfortunate enough to be referred in one of your assessments, we have a number of options to support you. This includes booking a tutor feedback session to discuss your previous exam/practical, revision packages, and advice on examination technique.

How long does it take to get my exam results?

Approximately 50 working days, the exact date the results are released is provided on your exam entry slip, called an “ARC” – assessment registration confirmation. We at Cambridge Safety do not get your results any earlier, we are also not allowed to divulge any results by the telephone. Nebosh equally do not give results over the phone.  You will receive your results by email, so please ensure we have an up-to-date email address for you to avoid a delay in receiving your results and ensure the Nebosh email address is marked as “safe” with your email account so it doesn’t get rejected as results are sent out in bulk.  If you have not received your results by the due date, please contact us for assistance.

In-House Courses FAQs

When is the invoice due?

Our payment terms are 30 days upon issue of invoice– this applies to all classroom courses even if you are booking in advance.  If you can foresee any problems with the invoice being paid within this time frame, please contact us prior to making your booking and we will do our best to accommodate you. Payment is required to secure your place.

IOSH Managing Safely FAQs

When will I get my results?

You will normally receive your results within four weeks of the last day of the course.

I have a literacy issue what assistance can be provided to complete the assessment?

Please contact us to discuss your individual requirements.

What if I fail the assessment?

If you fail one or both of your assessments Cambridge Safety will contact you to discuss that you haven’t passed and why.  If re-assessment is appropriate a retake of another assessment can be offered usually within twenty working days of the original assessment date.  

Written appeals can be made to IOSH if you want to appeal against the marks you have been awarded.  IOSH will make a decision within seven working days of receiving an appeal.  Their decision is final. 

What are the pass marks for each part of the assessment?

The pass mark for the short-written assessment is minimum of 36/60 and the pass mark for the practical project is a minimum of 23/38.  A total score of 60 must be achieved.

When will I need to complete the end assessments?

The short-written assessment is completed at the end of day three, and delegates have one week from the last day of the course to submit their practical workplace projects.

How is the course assessed?

There are two course assessments required to achieve this qualification.  A short-written assessment and a practical risk assessment undertaken in the workplace. 

How long will it take to receive my course certificate?

Certificates are normally sent out within six weeks of the last day of the course.

Where will my certificate be sent to?

Certificates will be sent to the address given at the time of booking a place on the course (information confirmed on the booking form).  Certificates can be sent to an alternative address however this must be confirmed in writing by the student or client.

I completed the course and passed the assessment but have lost the certificate can I get a replacement?

IOSH can provide a replacement certificate, however there is a charge applied for issuing a new certificate.  Contact your course provider and they will be able to order one for you.

Can I put my job title on the certificate?

The IOSH Certificates are only produced with your name, unfortunately your job title cannot be included.

What if I complete the course but am unable to complete the workplace risk assessment by the deadline?

If you are unable to complete the practical workplace risk assessment within seven days, Cambridge Safety must be informed immediately and will discuss if an extension may be possible.

I have a number of people to train, can the course be run in-house at my site?

Cambridge Safety can provide an in-house course providing that you have five or more people to train.  The dates and times can be agreed to ensure that the requirements and specifics of your business are met.

NEBOSH National Diploma For Health and Safety Management Professionals FAQs

The NEBOSH National Diploma For Health and Safety Management Professionals is a highly sort after qualification that trains delegates to apply key legislation along with health and safety practices in any work environment. First introduced in 1980, it has since become the most popular qualification of its kind. The syllabus was updated in 2021.

You can download our FAQ Diploma Classroom brochure for NEBOSH National Diploma For Health and Safety Management Professionals and book your course today.

NEBOSH Environmental Diploma FAQs

The NEBOSH Environmental Diploma course helps organisations reduce their environmental impact, highlight activities which are at risk of causing environmental damage, increase their “eco-friendly” branding, plus avoid legal issues such as litigation, prosecution and other issues due to mismanagement of the environment. You can read our Open Learning FAQs or enrol in the course today.

NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management FAQs

The NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management is internationally recognised and an integral part in ensuring ecologically friendly methods of production are employed by the business sector. With the standards ever changing in the UK with environmental focus increasing, this certificate is a must and provides information on key areas such as waste management, pollution and energy efficient businesses. Download our FAQ Environmental Certificate Classroomand book your course today.


NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work Award FAQs

The NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work Award introduces the applicant to Environmental Management within the workplace and instils the principals of environmental management along with specific environmental issues such as noise pollution, business waste, energy efficiency and much more. Because environmental legislation is ever changing it requires businesses to work together to ensure they comply with the laws and avoid fines or prosecution.  sign up for the course today.

NEBOSH Fire Safety Certificate FAQs

The NEBOSH Fire Safety Certificate was first introduced in March 2021 and focuses primarily on fire safety. The course contains two assessments: the 1st is an open book exam which is taken online at your home with the 2nd being a fire risk assessment practical. This certificate allows you to assist your organisation in managing and assessing fire risks and meet the essential fire safety regulations. Download our FAQ Fire Certificate Classroom , and you can book the course today.


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