An informative and interesting course, I have learned a lot and enjoyed the classroom activities. All trainers were great, helpful, enthusiastic, informative and friendly.
Nebosh Online Courses
Nebosh qualifications are internationally recognised, attracting around 30,000 candidates annually worldwide. These qualifications are recognised by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM), and our accredited Nebosh online courses have a proven track record with pass rates well above the national average.
Nebosh E-Learning
Nebosh E-learning is a style of open learning which covers the core Nebosh course content and is available for our four Certificate level qualifications. The coursework is provided via our bespoke website, which is split into the different elements of the course.
Health and Safety Courses Online
Book on to our e-learning course for a more interactive style of studying. You will progress through a series of slides with exercises, video clips and handouts, allowing you to study at your own pace.
If you want to watch full tutor presented tutorials we have an extensive library available 24 hours a day via Youtube.
Once payment has been received, you will receive your login details and information pack through email. You will be able to access information regarding the qualification, a study plan, your unique login details, an introduction to the e-learning material and how to submit assessments. From here, you will learn how to register for your exams, information on the revision sessions we offer and guidance on exam technique.
Our e-learning website works on all devices, including Apple devices and tablets. However, due to the high level of content, your main device should be a PC or laptop for the majority of your studies.
You will have access to:
- Qualification information and support with study techniques
- Presentations for each element, including NEBOSH e-learning outcomes, quizzes, interactive exercises and handouts
- Handy PDF forms
- A list of key terms
- Extensive library of full tutor presented tutorials via Youtube
- Downloadable podcasts and course material
- Guidance on the completion of the practical element of your selected qualification
- End of element assessments to send in for marking and feedback
The presentations provided will be interactive, offering you unlimited tries on multiple quizzes and practice questions, where you will be able to see the answers once finished. To ensure you receive personal feedback, at the end of each element you will answer a set of questions which we will mark and provide feedback on.
Support and website access will be provided for a period of twelve months, which includes queries by telephone or email Monday to Friday. If we are unable to answer your query immediately you will receive a response within 4 working days. All work sent to us for marking and feedback will be returned within 4 working days, work must be sent to us at least 7 working days prior to the exam start date.
For more information on E-Learning study methods, call us on 01733 865 695.
Nebosh Online Course Brochures
If you’d like more information in a handy printable format, take a look at our E-Learning brochures. You’ll find information surrounding E-Learning, what our packages include, frequently asked questions, terms and conditions, specific course information and pricing
Jump to a course
Nebosh General Certificate E-Learning
NEBOSH Environmental Certificate Online
NEBOSH Construction Certificate Online
NEBOSH Fire Certificate Online
NEBOSH General Certificate Online
As one of the most popular health and safety online courses, the Nebosh General Certificate Online is a perfect introduction to occupational safety, covering a wide range of general safety management issues. If you are a manager, supervisor or employee looking to boost your health & safety skills, this certificate will provide you with a broad awareness of issues which affect every organisation. Book online today.
Learning Hours
The following learning hours are only an approximate guide, some delegates will take a shorter/longer amount of time and additional revision time prior to the exams should be allocated.
Management of Health & Safety
- Why companies should manage health and safety (10 hours)
- Health & safety management systems—how they work and what they look like (6 hours)
- Managing risk—understanding people and processes (18 hours)
- Health and safety – monitoring & measuring (11 hours)
Workplace Hazards
- Physical & psychological health – including noise, vibration, stress, violence and radiation (11 hours)
- Musculoskeletal health – ergonomics, display screen equipment, manual handling & mechanical handling aids (10 hours)
- Chemical & biological agents (10 hours)
- General workplace issues (14 hours)
- Work Equipment (9 hours)
- Fire (7 hours)
- Electricity (6 hours
How To Take Exams
Revision Package
A revision package is included if you sit your exam within your tutor support period, or it can be purchased if your support has expired. This includes a mock case study with exam questions, a true or false quiz, answer schemes and video presentations. The case study answers can be sent to us for marking and feedback.
Sitting the Examinations
Study may commence at any time and you have the flexibility of choosing when to sit your examinations. However please note that to enter for any Nebosh exam or assessment, exam registration must be made approximately 6 weeks before the examination date. Details of the exam dates and registration dates are provided once you have booked on, or if you have a specific exam date in mind please contact us to confirm when you will need to be registered. The Open Book Exam and practical for General Certificate is available six times a year. We shall contact you if you have not made contact with us regarding your study for a period of 6 months.
NG1 – Open Book Exam accessed online at home with 24 hour access. Takes approximately 5 hours, but allow the full day so you can take regular breaks.
NG2 – Practical application risk assessment submission must be registered with Nebosh as per the NG1 exam. You will be given a submission deadline – normally the day of the Open Book Exam.
Open Book Exam Interview – As part of the Nebosh verification process, you will be required to complete an interview with a member of the Cambridge Safety team via zoom within 2 weeks of the exam date.
If you wish to sit your exams with Cambridge Safety, email with the exam date you wish to sit, and we will confirm availability and send you an exam registration form.
Open Book Exams must be registered through the training centre you have studied with.
Course Prices
(Per delegate)
E-Learning Package
£ 550.00
(Excl VAT)
£ 660.00
(Inc VAT)
Exam Fees
£ 279.00
(Excl VAT)
£ 298.00
(Inc VAT)
Total to Pay
*Exam fees breakdown £95 + vat + £182 Nebosh fees has no vat
Optional Hardcopy of course material £75.00 + vat = £90.00
Once payment has been received, the log-in details and information pack will be emailed to the delegate
NEBOSH Environmental Certificate Online
Updated syllabus from June 2021. The Nebosh Environmental Certificate teaches you essential ecological-friendly methods for production within the business sector. With environmental standards and regulations rapidly evolving, managing environmental issues is both a legal and moral necessity. You will receive both theory and practical skills to help assist your organisation in keeping up to date with changing demands. Book online today.
Learning Hours
The following learning hours are only an approximate guide, some delegates will take a shorter/longer amount of time and additional revision time prior to the exams should be allocated.
EMC1 Management and Control of Environmental Hazards (60 hours)
- Element 1: Foundations in environmental management
- Element 2: Environmental management systems
- Element 3: Assessing environmental aspects and impacts
- Element 4: Planning for and dealing with environmental emergencies
- Element 5: Control of emissions to air
- Element 6: Control of environmental noise
- Element 7: Control of contamination of water sources
- Element 8: Control of waste and land use
- Element 9:Sources and use of energy and energy efficiency
How To Take Exams
Revision Package
A revision package is included in the year of tutor support, which will be sent to you once we received your exam registration form. If the tutor support has expired, this package can still be purchased.
Sitting the Examinations
Study may commence at any time and you have the flexibility of choosing when to sit your examinations. However please note that to enter for any Nebosh exam or assessment, exam registration must be made approximately 6 weeks before the examination date, for example if the exam date is the 10th of June, candidates must register with their examination centre by the 29th of April. Details of the exam dates and registration dates are provided once you have booked on, or if you have a specific exam date in mind please contact us to confirm when you will need to be registered. Exams for the EMC1 exam and EMC2 submission are available four times a year. We shall contact you if you have not made contact with us regarding your study for a period of 6 months.
EMC1 – One day Open Book Exam, accessed online at home
EMC2 – Practical application submission – environmental aspect and impact assessment – must be registered with Nebosh as per the EMC1 exam, and the final submission date will be confirmed once you register.
If you wish to sit your exams with Cambridge Safety, email with the exam date you wish to sit, and we will confirm availability and send you an exam registration form.
Course Prices
(Per delegate)
Full Course
E-Learning Package
£ 550.00
(Excl VAT)
£ 660.00
(Inc VAT)
Exam Fees
£ 279.00
(Excl VAT)
£ 298.00
(Inc VAT)
Total to Pay
*Exam fees breakdown £95 + vat + £182 Nebosh fees has no vat
*no vat
Optional Hardcopy of course material £75.00 + vat = £90.00
Once payment has been received, the log-in details and information pack will be emailed to the delegate.
NEBOSH Construction Certificate Online
The Nebosh Construction Certificate Online is specially designed to cover the specific health and safety issues faced by the construction industry. As health and safety concerns are generally higher within construction, the course will cover a wide range of workplace hazards and the main legal requirements you need to know. The course will help improve the safety culture in any organisation. Book online today.
Learning Hours
The following learning hours are only an approximate guide, some delegates will take a shorter/longer amount of time and additional revision time prior to the exams should be allocated.
Total hours 108 plus 2 day assessment
- Foundations of Construction H&S and Management – 14 hours
- Improving H&S culture and assessing risk – 10 hours
- Managing change and procedures – 8 hours
- Excavation – 6 hours
- Demolition – 6 hours
- Mobile plant and vehicles – 7 hours
- Working at Height – 9 hours
- Musculoskeletal health and load handling – 9 hours
- Work equipment – 8 hours
- Electricity – 6 hours
- Fire – 6 hours
- Chemicals and biological agents – 9 hours
- Physical and psychological health – 10 hours
How To Take Exams
Revision packages are included in your year of tutor support and website access and sent out when you register your exam, which include a mock case study assessment to complete and send in for marking and feedback, true or false quiz, video presentations and marking schemes. If your year of support has expired, you can still purchase the revision package when you register your exam.
Sitting the Examinations
Study may commence at any time and you have the flexibility of choosing when to sit your examinations. However please note that to enter for any Nebosh exam or assessment, exam registration must be made approximately 6 weeks before the examination date, for example if the exam date is the 10th of June, candidates must register with their examination centre by the 29th of April. Details of the exam dates and registration dates are provided once you have booked on, or if you have a specific exam date in mind please contact us to confirm when you will need to be registered. Exams for certificate level qualifications are available at least four times a year. We shall contact you if you have not made contact with us regarding your study for a period of 6 months.
CN1 – Open Book Exam, 48 hour access online
If you wish to sit your exams with Cambridge Safety, email with the exam date you wish to sit, and we will confirm availability and send you an exam
Course Prices
(Per delegate)
Full Course
E-Learning Package
£ 550.00
(Excl VAT)
£ 660.00
(Inc VAT)
Exam Fees
£ 257.00
(Excl VAT)
£ 272.00
(Inc VAT)
Total to Pay
£ 807.00
(Excl VAT)
£ 932.00
(Inc VAT)
*Exam fees breakdown £75 + vat + £184 Nebosh fees has no vat
*no vat
Optional Hardcopy of course material £75.00 + vat = £90.00
Once payment has been received, the log-in details and information pack will be emailed to the delegate.
NEBOSH Fire Certificate Online
Protect your property, assets and investments by completing our Nebosh Fire Certificate Online. Holders of the certificate will be able to help their organisation meet fire safety legislation, manage the risk of fire and carry out fire risk assessments. This course is perfect for those in fire safety advisor positions and will protect employees from injury and loss of life. Book online today.
Learning Hours
The following learning hours are only an approximate guide, some delegates will take a shorter/longer amount of time and additional revision time prior to the exams should be allocated. The Open Book Exam is available for 24 hours and should take approximately 5 hours, although we recommend having the full day available so you can take regular breaks. The practical FSC2 should take approximately 3 hours.
Fire Safety (48 hours)
- Managing fire safety (4 hours)
- Principles of fire and explosion (9 hours)
- Fuel, oxygen and ignition sources and control measures (6 hours)
- Fire protection in buildings (12 hours)
- Safety of people in the event of fire (6 hours)
- Fire safety risk assessment (11 hours)
How To Take Exams
Revision Package
A revision package is included if you sit your exam within your tutor support period, or this can be purchased if your support has expired. This includes a mock case study with exam questions, true or false quiz, with answer schemes, video presentations and the case study answers can be sent to us for marking and feedback.
Sitting the Examinations
Study may commence at any time and you have the flexibility of choosing when to sit your examinations. However please note that to enter for any Nebosh exam or assessment, exam registration must be made approximately 6 weeks before the examination date. Details of the exam dates and registration dates are provided once you have booked on, or if you have a specific exam date in mind please contact us to confirm when you will need to be registered. The Open Book Exam and practical for Fire Certificate is available four times a year. We shall contact you if you have not made contact with us regarding your study for a period of 6 months.
FSC1 – Open Book Exam accessed online at home, 24 hours access, takes approximately 5 hours but allow the full day so you can take regular breaks.
FSC2 – Practical application fire risk assessment submission must be registered with Nebosh as per the FSC1 exam. You will be given a submission deadline – normally 7 days the Open Book Exam date.
Open Book Exam Interview – As part of the Nebosh verification process, you will be required to complete an interview with a member of the Cambridge Safety team via zoom within 2 weeks of the exam date.
If you wish to sit your exams with Cambridge Safety, email with the exam date you wish to sit, and we will confirm availability and send you an exam registration form.
Open Book Exams must be registered through the training centre you have studied with.
Course Prices
(Per delegate)
Full Course
E-Learning Package
£ 550.00
(Excl VAT)
£ 660.00
(Inc VAT)
Exam Fees
£ 279.00
(Excl VAT)
£ 298.00
(Inc VAT)
Total to Pay
*Exam fees breakdown £95 + vat + £182 Nebosh fees has no vat
*no vat
Optional Hardcopy of course material £75.00 + vat = £90.00
Once payment has been received, the log-in details and information pack will be emailed to the delegate.
Need help? Call us direct on 01733 865 695
Alternatively, click here to fill in our contact form.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many students take part in Nebosh qualifications?
Nebosh qualifications are incredibly popular. Each year, around 30,000 students worldwide will complete one or more Nebosh qualifications.
Do you offer online learning for the General Certificate?
Yes. We offer a large range of Nebosh Online Courses to cater for students who prefer interactive and flexible learning. The Nebosh General Certificate Online is a very popular course and a great place to start.
Why take the Nebosh General Certificate?
If you work in health and safety, you will need to obtain certain qualifications in order to progress through your career. The General Certificate is highly regarded and the most popular health and safety qualification in the UK.
Who are Nebosh?
Founded in 1979, Nebosh stands for The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health. As a UK-based examination board, their qualifications are nationally recognised.