Why Investigate Accidents and Near Misses?
If the accident is a serious one which has to be legally reported under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations then an investigation must have been undertaken. As the Health and Safety Executive mandatory reporting form requires details of exactly what happened, what went wrong and just as importantly what the employer has done to stop a similar reoccurrence. Even when not covered by RIDDOR, your insurance company (if involved) will require a full incident report.
What Course Options are available?
We have two options available :
- A bespoke course designed around your own accident investigation system
- The accredited Nebosh HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation course
A typical session will be held over 1 day. This session is designed for all those involved in the investigation process including team leaders, supervisors and managers. The course includes good practice in the investigation process covering a range issue identified by the HSE as important in their guidance note on incident investigation.
Staff morale : Staff feel valued and appreciated when an incident is investigated, it shows the organisation cares about their health, safety and well being and promotes a positive health and safety culture within the company.
Investigating near misses can prevent future accidents where an injury (minor or serious), fatality and/or loss or damage to company property occurs.
What’s Included in the Course?
- Definition of accident, incident or near miss
- The real cost of accidents
- Accident causation theories
- Identifying immediate, underlying and root causes
- How deep to go?
- Who to involve?
- Gathering important information
- Good interview techniques
- Analysis of information
- Risk control measures
- Linking with risk assessments
- Ensuring action is taken to prevent recurrence
- Report writing
- RIDDOR reporting requirements
The course covers the range of issues relevant to those completing investigations, enabling them to assist their employer in meeting their statutory and moral obligations to investigate accidents and take steps to minimise loss.